Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years with Lisa, Rusty & Emme!

Tyler, Lacie & I all packed up and took a mini road trip to Independence, Kansas again to see Lisa and Rusty, as well as their newest addition, Emme! Tyler and I got to hold her for the first time. Tyler opted not to hold her more than once due to feeling that he was not holding her properly. (Her head did look a little crooked but I thought he did just fine! : >) Fortunately or unfortunately-I can't seem to decide which-we had to bring Lacie with us for fear that she would reject us as parents for leaving her with anyone while we were gone! She initiated herself by promptly having an accident on their kitchen floor, just after I tried to take her potty! Luckily, I brought my magic potion for cleaning up her little mistakes and all was well. She also seemed to be quite interested in Emme, a little more jealous than anything, i think. She did not like it so much when Emme was in my arms! Overall, it was quite an eventful trip (Rusty and Lisa will know what I mean!) and we are oh-so-glad that we went! We can't wait to see them all again!

Welcome balloons that Nicole, Heidi & Sis. Sorah did for their trip home.
Sis. Kathy Sorah's Handiwork

Lacie had no problem relaxing at their house!
Mommy and Emme
Cute face!
She looks so little here!
My first time holding Emme
The little miss, herself

Me, attempting not to break her!
Rusty, after a days work. Marriage and parenthood has really aged him!


  1. she looks so good! aaawww.....she is going to be all grown up by the time I get to see her!

  2. Hahaha, that picture of Rusty is HILARIOUS!! Haha, you got some really cute pictures...I might have to borrow some if you don't mind! By the way, you aren't supposed to put pictures up of Rusty's FREE RECLINER that he is so proud of...the quilt covering it just really sets it off..haha! We were glad you came it was fun! It's our turn to visit you now.
