Monday, April 19, 2010

-Midnight Fishing-

So, we decided to go cat-fishing last night after church; Andrea, Derek, Tasha, Aaron, Tyler and I. We bought chicken liver for bait and set off to Debi and Ronnie's pond and fished for 2 hours! Aaron caught one little bitty thing-they had to perform surgery on it to get the hook out, then let it back in the water. The fish in the pond were making noises that sounded suspiciously like squirrels chirping in slow motion. Very creepy. My hands are still cramping from gripping my fishing pole so tight. I didn't get one bite. Oh well, I guess maybe because, like most people, catfish are sleeping in the middle of the night. Or I guess it could have been because we were being so loud too.....
Anyway, it was great fun and I got a couple pics of random objects and Tyler and me being wierd with knee highs. Drew, Gent & Layn will appreciate this seeminlgy immature humor. : p


  1. LOL!!!! That was so much fun!!!!

  2. We saw the taser video. Owww!!! It was funny(not to Ty). I'm sure the creeps will stay away. Love your sweet dog and the song.
    Love, Cim

  3. Heather, I have to say you and Tyler never cease to amaze me....BIG least you guys are having fun!

  4. You Kids are so crazy!!!! I probably would have been in the middle of it all, if I hadn't been out of town. Keep being crazy and just have fun! Love ya! Mom

  5. maybe we can go fishing when we come in june
