Tuesday, March 23, 2010

-Tyler's Tase-

Here's the promised video of Tyler being tased by his brother, Derek. I refused to do it for fear of killing him. He did this willingly, we did not MAKE him! A little touched, but it was sure funny! Also, Tyler fixed the comment setting-it was on some weird setting that wouldn't allow non-bloggers to leave comments. So please, comment away! It lets me know you're all still there! Anyway, enjoy funny video of dumb guy getting tased!


  1. Hey, look! I'm all happy 'cause I can leave a message now.....(so easily entertained, I know).

    Heather, it was good to see you and Tyler, although I wish it were under happier circumstances.

    Emma's freaking out over Tyler being tased....but that IS a good thing to have...takes care of out-of-control dogs and unwanted attention from weirdos:)

    Hope you guys have a happy Easter....love ya!

  2. Lol!! That was too funny. do you have one of all the guys? They are crazy...lol!
    Tasha F.

  3. Only Tyler! would do something so crazy! He must take after his father? Lol!!! Love ya! Mom

  4. I think I jumped out of my seat!!! What a weirdo.

  5. Yes it was quite entertaining!! I just wanted to leave a comment to the person who is politest at callin people overweight. { bodymass } Just jokin cuz!!!!! Lol
